Berean Christian High School News
Join us for a time filled with drama, suspense, comedy, and excitement. Friday and Saturday, November 9th and 10th, at 7:30 PM. Tickets at the door: $10 Adults, $8 Students/Kids/Staff. Our Drama students will be presenting: Arctic Library, Glass, and The Shelter: A Twilight Zone Story. We hope to see you there!
Shout out to our Ladies’ Volleyball Team!!! Tuesday night they won their first round of NCS playoffs, 3-0 against CSD! Their next game is Saturday at 7 pm, against Salesian (#1 seed), in Richmond. If they win, they will move on to State playoffs! Congratulations, Ladies!!! We are praying for you!
Join us tonight and tomorrow night at 7 PM for our annual Pops Concert. A fun-filled night with individual performances by our students and choirs. Tickets are $5 adults and $2 students. We hope to see you there!
Registration is now open! Our Open House offers a great opportunity for new prospective students and parents to learn more about Berean Christian and experience our core values.
Prospective students will experience a Berean Christian school day in action. Registration is now open!
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