Family Billing Account Management
Berean Christian is using FACTS to manage family billing. When enrolling/re-enrolling at Berean Christian, a family will establish a FACTS billing account as part of the online enrollment process and may choose between several payment plan options, monthly tuition due date choices, and payment methods. To ensure on-time payments and avoid follow-up (late) fees, all families are encouraged to enroll in automatic payments for both tuition and non-tuition (“incidental”) charges.
Under the FACTS system, tuition is billed separately from non-tuition charges (also called “incidental fees”). Tuition is due according to the payment plan and tuition due date elected by the family. Non-tuition fees, when assessed, are always due by the 20th of the next month.
Families may access their billing accounts online by logging onto their RenWeb account and clicking on the FACTS menu Online access is available 24/7 to review charges, make payments, enroll in autopay, and/or change payment method. The RenWeb District Code for Berean Christian access is BCHS (families who need additional help with their RenWeb login credentials should contact the school registrar for assistance in re-establishing access).
Although FACTS issues payment notices, receives payments on Berean Christian’s behalf, and can discuss account charges with families, Berean Christian is the party responsible for adding tuition and school fee charges to the family billing accounts, and FACTS is not authorized to modify or remove Berean Christian tuition or school fees from family accounts. If you think your account was billed in error for a Berean Christian charge, it will be most efficient to email Berean Christian’s accounting office with your inquiry. For questions about a fees applied by FACTS, such a fee assessed due to a failed payment, please contact FACTS at (866)441-4637.
All enrolled families are expected to be familiar with the following policies and schedules (and have acknowledged review of the Tuition & Fee Schedule during the annual enrollment process):
2024-2025 Tuition and Fee Schedule
Payment Options & Financial Policies
Non-tuition Fee Billing Schedule
Returned check policy
Policies per the above documents
A family's chosen due date is a firm due date (e.g., payment received on the 11th for a due date of the 10th is considered LATE). Families are fully responsible for taking into consideration possible delays if choosing to submit their payments by mail, for payment date is based on date received NOT date submitted or postmarked.
A follow-up fee of $40 is assessed monthly for past due balances exceeding $250, whether the past due balance is comprised of tuition OR non-tuition. Again, all families are highly encouraged to enroll both their tuition billing account and non-tuition (incidental fee) accounts in autopay to avoid late fees.
Payment by electronic check (using your bank routing and accounts numbers) may be made 24/7 over the phone or online at no additional charge. Credit and debit card payment options are also available but the 2.95% merchant services processing fee is passed on to the payer.
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