For more than 50 years, Berean Christian High School has stood in the gap for the benefit of students who aspire to live their lives as Christ’s men and women no matter what challenges the world may bring. To do that for the next 50 years, we need:
Friends whose help begins with us and for us in prayer;
Course offerings in the best of Christian Civilization including literature, history, science, industry, music, sports and the arts;
Teachers who can afford to spend their entire careers at Berean;
Scholarships for students who could not otherwise afford a Christian education; and,
Facilities to support a larger and more educationally diverse student body.
While our operations are regularly and comfortably well-supported by tuition, we need substantial additional funds for broader course offerings, scholarships and additional locations. It is for the future that we are launching our Next Fifty Years campaign. Read more about the funding specifics and opportunities to help.
Become a Friend of the Eagles
For most of its 55-year history, Berean has been primarily supported by tuition. That remains the case today. While we have done a great job utilizing those dollars effectively, most of our parents are already doing all that they can. Consequently, there are things that cannot be funded by parents alone unless we want to become an exclusive school for the very wealthy. (Which we don’t!)
Consequently, there are many areas today where additional funding from our friends can make an enormous difference. Those include:
An improved campus for Fine Arts, Technology Labs and Athletics; and,
Expanded programs in STEM and other advanced studies.
For each of these areas we have both current and long-range goals as described on this Vision page. Please watch this page of our website from time to time for current information on our development plans.
Become a Friend of the Eagles
All it takes to become a Friend of the Eagles is to let us know that you plan to support the school in some way, shape or form. Join Friends of the Eagles today:
As a Friend, we will let you know:
When we have updated the Vision page with new giving opportunities; and,
When there are events on or off campus that you might enjoy.
We also hope to have an occasional event where we can share our plans and get your suggestions.
Please feel free to contact either Simone Smith or Bob Fry in our development department at 925-945-6464 x255 or by email at or We would love to talk to you and to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you!
Endowment and Legacy Giving
One of Berean’s long-term goals, as reflected in its Vision Statement, is to build an endowment that is capable of funding all of the scholarships that the school would like to provide. By doing that we will be able to admit all the students we would like to have at our school including those whose families simply could not afford full tuition. At the same time, if scholarship funding is not coming from the operating budget, we then ease the pressure on all parents . . . including those who are paying full tuition . . . by keeping those costs as low as possible.
Our Endowment
Late in 2020, the Berean Board of Directors formed an affiliated Foundation for the sake of operating an endowment. Once formed, the Endowment raised just over $200,000 which Is the approximate balance today. In forming the Endowment, the Board adopted a Purpose Statement, Gift Acceptance Policy and Spending Policy. All of those documents are available for review upon request.
Legacy Giving
Our Endowment is a wonderful place where Alumni and other Friends of the Eagles can leave Legacy Gifts to Berean. It is a very simple thing to do by adding a specific bequest to Berean in your will or living trust. If you are interested in making such a gift, we are happy to discuss options and can also share some suggested language for you and your estate planning attorney. Learn more about how you can help.
Development Associate
Simone is excited to join Berean’s development team. Simone grew up in Sydney Aus...
Director of Development
Bob Fry is an investment advisor, writer, private equity investor, bible study teacher ...
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