Educational Philosophy
The educational philosophy of Berean Christian High School is based on God's interpretation of all reality as found in His self-authenticating revelation, the Bible. Since God created and sustains all things through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the universe and all life are dynamically related to God and have the purpose of glorifying Him. This is particularly true of humanity, who were created in God's image, differing from the lower creation in that they were endowed with the unique capacity of knowing and responding to God in a personal relationship. However, due to Adam's representative act of disobedience, people became incapable of truly knowing and honoring God, being sinners by nature and choice.
The entire process of education is seen as a means used by the Holy Spirit to bring the students into fellowship with God, to develop a Christian mind in him and to train them in godly living so that they can fulfill God's total purpose for their lives. They must be taught the Bible so that they may understand God and themselves and their role as God's image-bearer. The entire being of the student must be developed spiritually, mentally, physically and socially in relationship to God. They must learn to see all truth as God's truth and interpret all reality in the light of God's Word. They must be educated as an individual, with their own unique abilities and personality, who must learn to live and work with others at home, in the church and in a changing secular society. They must interact with and be taught by parent and teacher models who are themselves born again and have this perspective on life.
The authority for such an education comes both from God's command that children be taught to love God and place Him first in their lives, and from the fact that parents are responsible for the total training and education of their children. At the parent's request, the Christian school, along with the church, becomes a partner in giving this education.

Director of Academics, Freshman and Sophomore College and Career Counselor
Welcome! I am blessed to be Berean Christian's Director of Academics. I have the pr...
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