Berean Christian High School uses an online registration process through AthleticClearance.com (see Register to Play link below). Please follow the instructions and be sure to select the correct school and school year in the form. If your child plays multiple sports, they must register for each one. If your child previously played sports and you have registered in prior seasons, when registering your child, if you select your student's name from the dropdown menu, the information on file will automatically populate.
Student Drivers
Several Berean Teams practice off-campus during the school year, and often competitions are held locally. It is common for students to drive other teammates to the practices and games when the coach allows. Parents are required to give written permission for their students to drive or ride with another student to any local off-campus athletic contest or practice.
Please fill out the form below and ask your student to turn it into their coach for your student driver to have permission to drive, or drive with other students.
Medical Clearance
You are not required to use the online form; you can use any form your medical provider provides. All demographic information for your registration will be online except for the physical form. Please download the Sport Health Questionnaire and Clearance form below. This form must be for the current year, completed and signed by your doctor. Upon completion of the form, if you have the ability, we recommend you scan and upload the Sports Health Questionnaire and Clearance to your child's record through the 'Register to Play' link. If you have difficulty uploading the document, your student can turn the physical form to the athletic director or coach.
Transfer Students
Before you may play in any games or scrimmages, the CIF must confirm your eligibility. The process is outlined on both CIFSTATE.ORG as well as CIFNCS.ORG. You must fill out the top part of the Parent Student Certification Form. Download the form (see link below), complete, and give it to the Athletic Director. We will contact you if we have any questions. If there are no questions and nothing needs to be changed, the process will begin and can take up to 20 days.
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