Berean Christian High School News
Treats, gifts, cards, and encouraging notes kept popping up in the staff lounge for wee...
From the perspective of parents and teachers, there are certain things that we want for...
A small group of students have been working to reinvent the Berean Christian High Schoo...
“You are the salt of the earth.” Jesus says while preaching on a mountainsi...
They were told it couldn’t be done. The Coronavirus had taken the last part of th...
This month, the newly formed Berean Christian Foundation received a challenge gran...
A year or so ago a good friend of mine, Suzanne Davis, who is now President of Greenvil...
Dear Friends of Berean Christian High School, As we approach the holiday season, I a...
"This has been a challenging year," says Dean of Faculty, Ruth Stanley. But according to her, these difficult times have exposed a truth about Berean teachers that parents and administrators have known for a long time–this is more than a job to them, it's a ministry.
Berean’s Board of Directors has formed the Berean Christian High School Foundation. The purpose of this new entity is to provide on-going fundraising assistance for Berean Christian High School as it looks to fulfill its mission for the next 50 years!
Kathy Smith has taken full advantage of the opportunities that tis year's school experience is providing. Instead of guiding students through lists of tasks that have to be completed to keep the gears of student life running in a normal year, Smith has been able to take a step back, ask her students about their goals, and focus on developing each of them into strong Christian leaders.
For Carol Johnson, 2020 marks a bittersweet year in her teaching career. This is the year that she will retire. Congratulations, Mrs. Johnson. You are an inspiration to all those who strive to honor God with the work of their hearts.
Berean Christian High School teachers have risen to the challenge of distance learning. During these last few months, they have proven themselves to be dedicated and versatile professionals committed to tackling the question: How do we continuously improve teaching and learning at Berean Christian?
A wise person once stated, “Love will find a way; indifference will find an excuse.” When I checked in on the Berean faculty this week, I observed each one of them finding creative ways to maximize student learning during this unique time of remote instruction.
We are all living through the challenges of a Coronavirus world - praying for sick friends, learning new ways to shop and, most importantly, arranging our lives so that our children can still attend school! In the midst of such challenges, we are blessed to be part of the Berean community. Surprisingly, we’ve also been blessed by a new tax law!
Eighty-six students graduated from Berean Christian High School just a few short months ago. With the onset of an historic pandemic, the pride we feel in these students' accomplishments and in the way they conduct themselves as disciples of Christ was more difficult to express compared to other years. Nevertheless, we are honored that these students have gone out into the world to represent their faith and the values that BCHS has taught them.
A few weeks ago, my pastor shared an illustration that truly captures how many of us are feeling now that the Coronavirus pandemic has entered its fifth month. I’m running in a marathon, and I’m near the end. A man looks at me, and in bewilderment shouts, “It’s time to ride! Didn’t you know this is a triathlon? You have a 112-mile bike ride ahead of you, and a two and half mile swim after that! Drink some water and get going!” I groan as I climb onto the bike.
La Shawn Wells is an optimist. To him, life is a gift full of possibilities. “I want to live in a yes world,” he says.
The virtual ceremony portion of this year’s graduation will be released on Friday...
What a year 2020 has been! Join us tonight as we review some of its best moments. The a...
We are now accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year.
Isaiah Hodgins (Class of '17) was drafted by the Buffalo Bills on April 25, 2020. Read here an article about Isaiah, published on Congratulations, Isaiah. We are very proud of you!
Wednesday, May 13.
In 2019, forty-one Berean students received the AP Scholar Award!
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