Future alumnus of Berean Christian HS
For the Next Fifty Years
Dear Friends,
In celebration of Berean Christian High School's 50th Anniversary, it is my pleasure to announce that Berean’s Board of Directors has formed the Berean Christian High School Foundation. The purpose of this new entity is to provide on-going fundraising assistance for Berean Christian High School as it looks to fulfill its mission for the next 50 years!
As the Foundation’s first action, it established an Endowment to provide a source of long-term support for the school independent of tuition income. The Foundation hopes to grow the Endowment over time through current contributions, bequests, and investment returns. Funds will be disbursed from the Endowment to the School quarterly in accordance with an endowment spending policy. Once disbursed to the school, the Trustees plan to use such funds:
- To provide additional scholarships for worthy students whose family finances would not otherwise allow them to attend the School;
- To allow the School to pay teachers, coaches, and other employees competitively with the public schools in the area; and,
- For such other educational purposes as the School’s board of trustees may determine from time to time to be in the best interest of enhancing and improving a Christ-centered education.
In the coming months, the Foundation will provide more detailed information on its operations and the new Endowment, including how interested friends of the school can make gifts or bequests. We will also make available copies of the Foundation’s policies concerning:
- The types of asset gifts it can accept, such as real estate, stocks and bonds, and business interests;
- Investment policies for the funds being held; and,
- The spending policy by which endowment funds are disbursed to the school.
The most important point, for now, is to thank God for having brought our school, our students, their families, the staff, and our many alumni to this wonderful place in our lives. In the midst of so many challenges in society, we are thrilled to continue to be a light on the hill, illuminating our faith in Christ and growing in the knowledge that lets us love and serve all those around us.
Watch in the days to come for more good news!
Pastor Chris Oliveri, Board member of Berean Christian High School and Foundation