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Two Semesters
Prerequisite: None
Teacher: Travis Kerr
This course will explore the many elements of stagecraft while acknowledging God as the creator of creativity. It will introduce the craft of acting by reviewing the elements of the stage, the different techniques used to create a character, and the importance of eliminating the common mistakes made by the amateur actor. This class will include some lecture; however, the craft of acting requires a great deal of hands-on work. Therefore, this class will include much observation, discussion and interaction. It will employ numerous acting exercises such as acting games to encourage creativity. In addition to acting, Beginning Drama will introduce students to the art of make-up techniques. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: One year of Beginning Drama, audition and teacher approval
Teacher: Travis Kerr
This is a production-driven class where performance and honing the student’s acting skills are emphasized. The drama team has many opportunities to perform throughout the year at school and community events as well as on tour in the spring. Extra hours outside of class, including afterschool and evening rehearsals, are required. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: One year of Beginning Drama and Teacher approval
Teacher: Travis Kerr
Stagecraft is the study of technical aspects of theatre. This course will introduce the student to technical and production aspects of theatre. Students will learn skills in set construction, lighting, sound, makeup and a variety of other skills. They will learn through practical application by a production-driven schedule. The skills and knowledge gained will be immediately applied to whatever production is being presented.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: None
Teacher: Travis Kerr
This course is designed to give the student an enriching and diverse instrumental music education. The daily objective of the course is to foster and promote musical growth through the playing of an instrument by the student. Class activities emphasize the development of instrumental technique, tone production, tuning, fundamentals of music theory, music reading and listening skills. This class provides a number of performance opportunities for the student both in an ensemble setting as well as accompanists for our amazing choirs.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: None
Teacher: Natalie Hazelrigg
This class is open to all interested students who enjoy singing and wish to develop their vocal abilities. Basic music fundamentals will be covered in class. Students will perform a variety of choral music throughout the year at all school concerts and selected chapels. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
Teacher: Natalie Hazelrigg
This class is filled by audition only and is designed for students who have a serious interest in vocal performance. A variety of musical styles will be explored and advanced performance technique will be emphasized. Students will have the opportunity to perform at various school and community events and are responsible for outfit and tour expenses. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: None
Teacher: Yelena Franklin
Art I is a foundational course upon which all other drawing and painting classes build. Students will learn to draw & paint using the human body, nature and man-made objects. Students will experiment with a variety of mediums from pencil to acrylic paint and explore the elements of art and principles of design. Gallery visit required. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Art I
Teacher: Yelena Franklin
Art II is an applied art history course; students will study 20th century art and create original works using the principles of each movement. Magazine, sketchbook, and two gallery visits are required. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Art I and Art II or Graphic Arts & Design 1 and Graphic Arts & Design II
Teacher: Yelena Franklin
AP 2D Art. And Design students will complete an inquiry-based investigation of 2D design principles while following the guidelines for portfolio development as set forth in the concentration section of the AP 2D Art and Design Exam. Two gallery visits are required. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Art I, Art II, AP 2D Art and Design or Seniors with a portfolio that shows a range of drawing skills
Teacher: Yelena Franklin
AP Drawing students will follow the guidelines for portfolio development as set forth in the concentration section of the AP Drawing Exam. This course is primarily student driven with oversight and input from the instructor. Two gallery visits are required. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above and/or teacher approval
Teacher: Yelena Franklin
The AP Art History course is equivalent to a two-semester college survey course exploring the nature of art, art making, and responses to art. By investigating specific course content of 250 works of art characterized by diverse artistic traditions from prehistory to the present, students develop in-depth, holistic understanding of the history of art from a global perspective. Students become active participants in the global art world, engaging with its forms and content. They experience, research, discuss, read, and write about art, artists, art making, responses to, and interpretations of art. UC/CSU
Graphic Arts I, Graphic Arts II, Digital Photography, and Yearbook
My name is Bryce Alley and I love creating digital art. For the last couple of years, I...
Head of Art Department; Art Teacher
Hello! I am one of the art teachers here at Berean. The classes I teach are Art I, Art ...
Chorale, Advanced Choir, Concert Band, Beginning Drama, Honors Stagecraft, Honors Advanced Drama
It was my pleasure to be part of the Berean Christian graduating class of 2010. I'm...
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