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Prerequisite: None
World History is a freshman level course designed to establish in the mind of the student the preeminence of God in the affairs of man throughout history. This course will cover the major historical events starting with creation and ending with the present. It is designed to provide an opportunity for the student to gain a richer understanding of our Christian heritage while developing the academic skills necessary for upper level history courses. The student will work to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills. To receive credit for this course, students must complete a research paper written in cooperation with the English I class.
Prerequisite: None
United States History is a course required for graduation. The goal of this course is to demonstrate the emergence of a great country under God’s guidance and intervention. This course is designed to provide an opportunity for the student to gain a richer understanding of our Christian heritage while developing the academic skills necessary for upper level history and social studies courses.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “A” in English and “B” in World History; Space permitting, instructor will assess interested students who do not meet all criteria to determine eligibility to enroll.
This advanced placement course provides an in-depth survey of US History designed to demonstrate the emergence of a great country under God’s guidance and intervention. The class emphasizes extensive reading, writing and primary source analysis. This course is intended to enhance the student skills of critical thinking, document analysis, information organization and essay writing. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “A” in English and “B” in World History and teacher approval
This advanced placement course provides an in-depth survey of Western European history from 1350 to the present. The class emphasizes extensive reading, writing and primary source analysis. This course is intended to enhance the student skills of critical thinking, document analysis, information organization and essay writing. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring.
Prerequisite: None
US Government & Politics is a fall semester course designed to give students a thorough understanding of the structure and process of our government including the function and operation of each branch. As students understand their rights and responsibilities in this country, they are able to become informed citizens who become involved in the political process. Economics is a spring semester course which introduces students to the basic principles of America’s complex economic system including competition, supply and demand, property and monetary and fiscal policy. It is designed to help students develop analytical thinking and reasoning skills necessary to become effective, responsible citizens and consumers.
Prerequisites: Senior status; able to read and understand college-level material; successful completion of writing assessment.
This is a year-long course that integrates government and economics and meets the state mandated civics/economics requirements. The purpose of this class is to examine government at the federal, state, and local levels. Throughout the course, students will consider the ways in which government, in this country, is organized, the ways in which people participate, the many functions that government has and the way in which it carries out those functions. Students will examine how their faith will influence their participation in civics and how God and government can be connected. Class activities will include lectures, mini projects, simulations, group work, and small group discussions concerning the organization and tasks of governments.
Prerequisite: Senior Status; Minimum grade of “B” in English classes
AP Psychology is a challenging course that is similar to a college course. Students can potentially earn college credit if they score well on the AP Exam in May. It is a course designed “to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice” (Advanced Placement Course Description in Psychology). Areas of study for this course include personality development, emotional development, mental health, parenting principles, psychoanalysis, learning, family and social relationships, communication, systems of fundamental psychology, and a systematic integration of biblical principles to human behavior and cognition.
AP Psychology Teacher
Hi there! It is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to teach AP Psychology...
United States History Teacher
It is my delight to teach history here at Berean. In my classes my overall goal is to a...
World History Teacher
Hey everyone! My name is Kevin Labra, and I serve as Berean Christian's W...
Dean of Women, Social Science Department Chairm AP European History, AP US History Teacher
Hello! I have the privilege of serving our young women at Berean as the Dean of Women. ...
U.S. & AP U.S. Government & Politics, Economics Teacher
“Welcome to AP United States Government/Economics, US Government/Economics, and A...
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