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Note: Available class materials can be accessed by clicking on the course description.
Two Semesters
This course introduces the student to the basic pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of the Spanish language and provides extensive opportunity for oral and written expression with the intention of developing conversational and compositional skills.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “B” in Spanish I
This second level course provides students with increasingly complex experiences in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and continued exposure in the Spanish language. Successful students will be able to carry on simple conversations in a variety of tenses, give and receive simple directions, make known ordinary needs, and carry on other simple acts of communication.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “B” in Spanish II
This third level language course focuses on listening and speaking skills with an increasing emphasis on reading and writing skills. Students will read short stories and cultural vignettes in the Spanish language and will write paragraphs or short essays in the language as well. Students will be able to satisfy the demands of routine social interactions.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “B” in Spanish III
The Advanced Placement Spanish Language course provides students with an opportunity to practice their previously acquired language skills and to continue in their study of the culture through literary works and other authentic material. Students will be able to satisfy more demanding work requirements and exhibit increased understanding and speaking of the Spanish language. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring. This course has a dual credit option available with Colorado Christian University: Students are eligible to earn elective college credits which are fully transferable to most universities by paying an additional fee and completing all course requirements.
Two Semesters
ASL I is a foundational course which introduces students to the language, history, and culture of the deaf community. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of ASL including the manual alphabet, numbers, and simple conversational signs.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “B” in ASL I
ASL II builds upon basic skills introduced in ASL I with an emphasis upon increased vocabulary and broader knowledge of the deaf community. Students will expand vocabulary and grammatical skills in the areas of religious, legal and medical terminology.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “B” in ASL II
ASL III continues to build upon basic skills acquired in ASL I and II. Emphasis will be upon expanding vocabulary and grammatical skills in order to develop enhanced conversational and translational skills. Students will continue to gain a deeper appreciation of the deaf culture and history.
American Sign Language I, II & III; Department Chair of Language Other Than English (LOTE)
Greetings, thank you for checking out the American Sign Language class page. As a forme...
Spanish 1, Service and Missions Coordinator
Hi everyone! I am super excited to continue to serve the students here at Berean Christ...
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