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Note: Available class materials can be accessed by clicking on each course description.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: None
In preparing students for life after high school, there is no better place to begin than with the foundations of the Christian faith: the Old Testament and Jesus. In the first semester, the students will conduct a survey of the Old Testament to gain a foundational understanding of the Old Covenant and how God orchestrated His plan for salvation that would come through Jesus. The students will begin to develop an understanding of how God revealed Himself to Israel and will become familiar with the historical events that would lead to Messiah coming. In the second semester, the students will closely examine the life of Christ using John’s gospel account. Through seeing Christ as He really is, and contemplating what He has done on their behalf, students will be challenged to trust Him fully. (John 20:30-31)
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 9th grade Bible
In this course, students will explore the major doctrines of the faith in order to reinforce the student’s personal beliefs and encourage them to be contenders for our faith. Students will study critical issues of the day in an effort to help them better understand themselves and their problems in light of God’s Word.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 9th & 10th grade Bible
In the first semester, students will examine the art and science of biblical interpretation and learn to study the Bible in its ancient contexts. In the second semester, students will survey the last 2000 years of historical Christianity by studying the book of Acts and by tracing the Christian movement through its formation and worldwide expansion.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Senior Status
The goal of this course is that students will leave with a Christianity that is robust, reinforced, and ready to go out into the world with hope.
This course is fundamentally about examining Christianity and other rival worldviews and seeing if Christianity is real and, thus, offers a real hope that will shape your life. There will also be a strong emphasis on apologetics, which is to say, the study of how to make a ready defense for the faith the Church has held since the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To further this, the class will have personal reading time where students will choose to read about two topics from a list of provided books in order to further their knowledge.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Senior Status
Space is limited
Stepping Up is a practical class designed to equip the students to act like men (1 Cor. 16:13-14) in pursuing righteousness and fleeing youthful desires (1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:22) in order to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness (Titus 2:2). This will be accomplished through participation in weekly bible/book studies, accountability groups, watching various videos, discussions on selected books, and completing life skill projects throughout the year. Some of the topics covered throughout the year will be biblical leadership, wisdom, money and work, being a godly leader and husband.
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Senior Status
Space is limited
In Walking Worthy, we study who we are in Christ and who we are as members of the Body of Christ. We study the Gospel of Luke and the stories of women of the Bible, through discussion, journaling, and meditating on Scripture. As we study Scripture and the lives of faithful women from the last 2,000 years, we will consider our own giftings and how God may be calling us to serve Him in the future.
Sophomore and Senior Bible Teacher
My name is Doug Adams and I have had the privilege of teaching at Berean starting in 20...
American Literature, Walking Worthy (Senior Bible elective), and Chapel Coordinator
Thank you for visiting my page. Over the years, I have taught several classes at Berean...
Freshmen Bible Teacher
“Shalom! I have the privilege of serving the freshmen at Berean as their Bible Fo...
Bible Teacher: Apologetics and Worldview, Church History
Did you know the early church would greet each other with what is called the Paschal Gr...
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